Bladder Cancer Care


Cancer Cells

Why choose UCLA Health for bladder cancer care?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康膀胱癌项目是泌尿肿瘤研究所的一部分 UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (JCCC). JCCC是美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)认可的51家创新癌症研究和临床护理癌症中心之一.

At UCLA Health, our Bladder Cancer Program includes:

  • Comprehensive, compassionate care: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的膀胱癌项目提供最先进的治疗和个性化护理.
  • Team-based approach to care: 我们的膀胱癌专家定期会面,分享专业知识并讨论每位患者的治疗方法.
  • Access to innovative research: 50多年来,我们的科学家一直在取得突破性的发现. 我们为患者提供参加我们开创性临床试验的机会.
  • Multiple convenient locations: 您可以在我们位于大洛杉矶地区的皇冠hga020电脑版癌症护理中心接受膀胱癌服务. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康是自豪地提供离家近的最高质量的护理.

Our bladder cancer services

From diagnosis to post-cancer care, UCLA Health's Bladder Cancer Program offers comprehensive services, including:


我们的膀胱癌专家使用最新的诊断工具来识别和分期癌症, including:

  • Bladder biopsy: 一种包括切除肿瘤和由专门的泌尿生殖系统病理学家进行分期的手术.
  • CT and MRI scans: 成像检查可以让医生看到膀胱和周围器官的内部,以检查癌症肿瘤.
  • Cystoscopy: 一种帮助医生检查膀胱内壁和下尿道的程序.
  • Urinalysis: A urine-based lab test that detects blood and cancer cells.

Cancer genetics

我们的生殖泌尿系统癌遗传风险评估项目评估可能增加个体膀胱癌风险并可遗传给后代的生殖系突变. 了解特定的遗传风险可以更精确地定制最适合你的治疗计划. Learn more about the cancer genetics program at UCLA Health. 我们还测试肿瘤组织的体细胞突变,这可能会影响你可能接受的治疗类型.

Cancer support

Finding a supportive community helps ease the burden of cancer. Count on the Simms Mann UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology . We provide numerous resources to help cancer patients cope, 包括从身心康复到压力管理策略的培训和研讨会.

Bladder cancers we treat

There are several types of bladder cancer, along with subtypes:

  • Urothelial cell carcinoma: The most common form of bladder cancer. 它起源于膀胱内部的尿路上皮细胞. It may also be called transitional cell carcinoma.
  • Adenocarcinoma: 一种罕见但侵袭性的膀胱癌,起源于膀胱内层的腺细胞.
  • Squamous cell bladder cancer: 一种罕见的癌症,起源于膀胱内膜的鳞状细胞. It may form in the bladder following recurrent infections.

Treatments we offer

From surgery to drug therapy and clinical trials, UCLA Health offers the most advanced treatments available, including:

Nonsurgical bladder cancer treatments

Some bladder cancers respond to nonsurgical treatments, including:

  • Chemotherapy: A drug or combination of medications used to kill cancer cells. 化疗也可以在手术前用于缩小肿瘤或在手术后用于降低癌症复发的风险.
  • Radiation therapy: 集中使用高能光束在不损害健康组织的情况下杀死癌细胞.
  • Immunotherapy:  用于增强个体自身免疫系统以消灭癌症的药物.
  • Chemotherapy: 直接杀死癌细胞的药物或药物组合.
  • Radiation therapy: 集中使用高能光束杀死癌细胞,同时限制对健康组织的损害.
  • Clinical trials: Research of promising treatments for bladder cancer.

Bladder cancer surgery

根据癌症的程度,你的外科医生可能会选择切除部分或全部膀胱. Surgery for bladder cancer may include:

Transurethral resection of bladder tumor [TURBT]: 一种用于活检或治疗膀胱癌的微创外科手术.

Cystectomy: A procedure to remove part or all of the bladder. 在膀胱切除术中,外科医生也可以切除周围的淋巴结.

Bladder reconstruction: 在膀胱切除后,为身体创造一种将尿液排出体外的方法. There are several techniques:

  • Ileal conduit: 一种利用部分肠道将尿液从肾脏引流到附着在患者皮肤上的造口袋的方法.
  • Continent diversion: 造一个有人工开口的小膀胱的手术. Patients drain the urine using a catheter several times a day.
  • Neobladder reconstruction: 用部分肠道构造新膀胱的手术. The ureters and urethra are connected so that urine passes normally.

Meet our team

For more than 50 years, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的膀胱癌专家发现并提供了最高质量的治疗, leading-edge cancer treatments.

Contact us

Call 310-794-7700 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的膀胱癌专家.

Find your care

我们的膀胱癌项目提供创新的治疗方法和世界一流的护理. For more information, connect with a cancer care specialist at 310-794-7700.